“CPP String Slice” Kod odpowiedzi


string str1 = "Apples are red";
string str2 = str1.substr(11, 3); // "red"
string str3 = str1.substr(0, 6); // "Apples"
Anxious Alligator

CPP String Slice

//Time complexity: O(n)

//Auxiliary Space: O(n)

#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Take any string
    string s1 = "Geeks";
    // Copy three characters of s1 (starting
    // from position 1)
    string r = s1.substr(3, 2);
 	// Copy substring after pos
	string sub = s.substr(pos + 1);
	// Copy substring before pos
    string sub = s.substr(0 , pos);
    // prints the result
    cout << "String is: " << r;
    return 0;
Fancy Flatworm

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