“Jak wyrównać przycisk do centrum w CSS” Kod odpowiedzi

Przycisk środkowy HTML

    /*Change the width as much as you like, but make sure 
    margin-left and margin-right + width = 100%*/
Dr. Hippo

Jak wyrównać przycisk do centrum w CSS

/* in HTML, the buttons id is example*/
	text-align: center;
/* If that doesn't work, put a div and center the div*/

  text-align: center;
Prickly Plover

Jak wyrównać przycisk Środek tekstu w

Disgusted Dugong

Jak wyśrodkować BTN

text-align: center - By setting the value of text-align property of parent div tag to the center.
margin: auto - By setting the value of margin property to auto.
display: flex - By setting the value of display property to flex and the value of justify-content property to center.
display: grid - By setting the value of display property to the grid.
Tired Termite

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