“Jak zrobić system haseł w HTML” Kod odpowiedzi

Jak zrobić system haseł w HTML

<script type="text/javascript">
var password = "please";
var x = prompt("Enter in the password "," ");
if (x.toLowerCase() == password) {
 alert("Come right in \n \n You've entered in the right password");
 window.location = "good.htm";
else {
 window.location = "bad.htm";
Spotless Salamander

Jak zrobić system haseł w HTML

<script type="text/javascript">
var password = "please";
var x = prompt("Enter in the password "," ");
if (x.toLowerCase() == password) {
 alert("Come right in \n \n You've entered in the right password");
 window.location = "good.htm";
else {
 window.location = "bad.htm";
Arrogant Alpaca

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