“Pobierz toasty w Django” Kod odpowiedzi

Używaj tostów w Django

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'css/toastr.css' %}" media="all">
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/toastr.min.js' %}"></script>  
Yucky Yak

Pobierz toasty w Django

{% for message in messages %}
  <div class="toast notification bg-{% if message.tags == 'error' %}danger{% else %}{{message.tags}}{% endif %}" role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-atomic="true" data-delay="5000">
    <div class="toast-header">
      <strong class="mr-auto">
        {% if message.tags == 'error' %}
          <i class="fas fa-times mr-2"></i>
        {% elif message.tags == 'warning' %}
          <i class="fas fa-exclamation mr-2"></i>
        {% elif message.tags == 'info' %}
          <i class="fas fa-info mr-2"></i>
        {% elif message.tags == 'success' %}
          <i class="fas fa-check mr-2"></i>
        {% endif %}
      <button type="button" class="ml-2 mb-1 close" data-dismiss="toast" aria-label="Close">
        <span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
    <div class="toast-body">
{% endfor %}
Yucky Yak

Pobierz toasty w Django

{% include 'message.html' %}

<!-- and at the end:-->
<script src="{% static 'js/jquery-3.4.1.min.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'js/bootstrap.min.js' %}"></script>
{% if messages %}
      {% for message in messages %}
          $(document).ready(function () {
      {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Yucky Yak

Pobierz toasty w Django

    position: absolute;
    top: 5rem;
    right: 1rem;
Yucky Yak

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