“Przykład kolorów tekstu bootstrap” Kod odpowiedzi

Kolor tekstu bootstrap

<p class="text-primary">.text-primary</p>
<p class="text-secondary">.text-secondary</p>
<p class="text-success">.text-success</p>
<p class="text-danger">.text-danger</p>
<p class="text-warning">.text-warning</p>
<p class="text-info">.text-info</p>
<p class="text-light bg-dark">.text-light</p>
<p class="text-dark">.text-dark</p>
<p class="text-muted">.text-muted</p>
<p class="text-white bg-dark">.text-white</p>
Victor Grk

Bootstrap 4 Kolor tekstu

<p class="text-primary">Text with primary color</p>
<p class="text-secondary">Text with secondary color</p>
<p class="text-success">Text with success color</p>
<p class="text-danger">Text with danger color</p>
<p class="text-warning">Text with warning color</p>
<p class="text-info">Text with info color</p>
<p class="text-light bg-dark">Text with light color</p>
<p class="text-dark">Text with dark color</p>
<p class="text-muted">Text with muted color</p>
<p class="text-white bg-dark">Text with white color</p>

Przykład kolorów tekstu bootstrap

<p class="text-primary">It's primary text message</p>
        <p class="text-secondary">It's secondary text message</p>
        <p class="text-success">It's success text message</p>
        <p class="text-danger">It's danger text message</p>
        <p class="text-warning">It's warning text message</p>
        <p class="text-info">It's info text message</p>
        <p class="text-light bg-dark">It's light text message</p>
        <p class="text-dark">It's dark text message</p>
        <p class="text-muted">It's muted text message</p>
Exuberant Earthworm

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