“Blok statyczny w Javie” Kod odpowiedzi

Blok statyczny w Javie

Static block is used for initializing the static variables.
This block gets executed when the class is loaded in the memory. 
A class can have multiple Static blocks

Co to jest blok statyczny

Static Block:
 used for initializing statics members,
it belongs to the class and only one copy
and runs only once and before everything

I use it in configuration.reader class
  in my framework
Obedient Ocelot

Blok statyczny w Javie

It is used to create another block before the main class.
  every java codes runs here first.
  Any code gets executed before the main class
    //code is placed between these brackets.
Difficult Dotterel

Blok statyczny w Javie

// to create static block in java 
  // code to be executed is placed here

// its placed inside class. its executed whenever the class is created not when its object is created or called.
Fancy Fox

Blok statyczny

Static Block:
 used for initializing statics members,
it belongs to the class and only one copy
and runs only once and before everything

I use it in configuration.reader class
  in my framework
Obedient Ocelot

Jaki jest blok statyczny

Static block is used to initialize the static data member. 
It is executed before the main method, 
at the time of classloading.
Thankful Tuatara

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