Jak podzielić ciąg w Javie
String string = "004-034556";
String[] parts = string.split("-");
String part1 = parts[0]; // 004
String part2 = parts[1]; // 034556
Mobile Star
String string = "004-034556";
String[] parts = string.split("-");
String part1 = parts[0]; // 004
String part2 = parts[1]; // 034556
String[] strings = "Thequickbrownfoxjumps".split("(?<=\\G.{4})"); // split all 4 chars
String[] strings = "Thequickbrownfoxjumps".split("(?<=\\G.{100})"); // this would be all 100 chars
// -> ['Theq', 'uick', 'brow', 'nfox', 'jump', 's']
String yourString = "Hello/Test/World";
String[] strings = yourString.split("/" /*<- Regex */);
strings = [Hello, Test, World]
public class SplitExample2 {
public static void main(String args[])
String str = "My name is Chaitanya";
//regular expression is a whitespace here
String[] arr = str.split(" ");
for (String s : arr)
String str= "abcdef";
String[] array=str.split("(?<=\\G.{2})");
class Test {
public static void main( String[] args) {
String[] result = "Stack Me 123 Heppa1 oeu".split("\\a");
// output should be
// S
// t
// a
// c
// k
// M
// e
// H
// e
// ...
for ( int x=0; x<result.length; x++) {
System.out.println(result[x] + "\n");