Odwróć podwójnie połączoną listę
public static DoublyLinkedListNode reverse(DoublyLinkedListNode node) {
DoublyLinkedListNode newHead = null;
// Last node is the new head now
if(node.next == null){
newHead = node;
DoublyLinkedListNode temp = node.prev;
DoublyLinkedListNode nextNode = null;
// if node.next is null it means processing last node which is the new //head
if(node != null && node.next != null){
nextNode = node.next;
node.prev = nextNode;
// Creating prev next | next prev chaining
node.next = temp;
if(node != null && nextNode != null)
nextNode.prev = node;
node = nextNode;
}while(node != null);
return newHead;
Dr. iterations