¦ Comparable ¦ Comparator ¦
¦ java.lang.Comparable ¦ java.util.Comparator ¦
¦ int objOne.compareTo(objTwo) ¦ int compare(objOne, objTwo) ¦
¦ Negative, if objOne < objTwo ¦ Same as Comparable ¦
¦ Zero, if objOne == objTwo ¦ ¦
¦ Positive, if objOne > objTwo ¦ ¦
¦ You must modify the class whose ¦ You build a class separate from to sort. ¦
¦ instances you want to sort. ¦ the class whose instances you want ¦
¦ Only one sort sequence can be created ¦ Many sort sequences can be created ¦
¦ Implemented frequently in the API by: ¦ Meant to be implemented to sort ¦
¦ String, Wrapper classes, Date, Calendar ¦ instances of third-party classes. ¦
Gentle Goosander