“Zmień fragment w Android Studio” Kod odpowiedzi

Wymień fragment w nowym układzie Androida

FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();

if (fm != null) {
    // Perform the FragmentTransaction to load in the list tab content.
    // Using FragmentTransaction#replace will destroy any Fragments
    // currently inside R.id.fragment_content and add the new Fragment
    // in its place.
    FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
    ft.replace(R.id.container, new YourFragment());
Fancy Flatworm

Zmień fragment w Android Studio

// put the following code in onClickListner
// public void onClickListner(View view){
// action_fromFragment_toFragment is the id of transformatino, look in fragment map.
// }
Brainy Bat

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