4.1.1. Więcej o strunach
console.log(typeof 'This is a string');
console.log(typeof "And so is this");
Tough Tortoise
console.log(typeof 'This is a string');
console.log(typeof "And so is this");
console.log(42, 17, 56, 34, 11, 4.35, 32);
console.log(3.4, "hello", 45);
//42 17 56 34 11 4.35 32
//3.4 hello 45
console.log(typeof "17");
console.log(typeof "3.2");
/*What about values like "17" and "3.2"? They look like numbers,
but they are in quotation marks like strings.
Run the following code to find out./*
//42 0