“Discord.js Say Command” Kod odpowiedzi

Bots opóźnienie discord js

var yourping = new Date().getTime() - message.createdTimestamp
var botping = Math.round(bot.ws.ping)

message.channel.send(`Your ping: ${yourping} \nBots ping: ${botping}`)

Discord Say Command

client.on('message', message => {
    if (message.content.startsWith(prefix + 'say')) {
        if (message.author.bot) return;
        const SayMessage = message.content.slice(4).trim();
        message.channel.send("**" + SayMessage + "**")
        message.channel.send("- " + `**${message.author}**`)

Discord.js Say Command

const prefix = `PREFIX`
if (message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix + "say")) 
  let MSG = message.content.split(" ");
  let Query = MSG.slice(1).join("+");
  let QueryD = MSG.slice(1).join(" ");
  if (!Query) message.reply("Please specify something for me to say!")
    message.channel.send(QueryD + " -" + message.author.tag)
Angry Anteater

discord.js, jak wrócić do pliku

// When going back a file use ('../File_Name') 
Im not sure what to put...

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