“Usuń JavaScript Decimals” Kod odpowiedzi

Usuń JavaScript Decimals

Math.floor(5.9) //5
Math.ceil(5.1) //6
Math.round(9.5) //10
5.3 >> 0 //5 (same as Math.floor)
7.9 >> 0 //7 (same as Math.floor) 

Usuń JavaScript Point Floating Point

Math.floor(5.9) // 5 rounds down
Math.ceil(5.1) // 6 rounds up
Math.round(5.5) // 6 round to nearest integer
Math.trunc(5.1) // 5 removes fractional part
ali ahmed

Jak wyeliminować dziesiętne w JS

parseInt((284765.9785295492452).toFixed(3)); //only the first 3 decimals are shown and is treated as a number.  (also a good way to ward off peeping toms looking at your code)
Fliegende Luftwaffel I

Jak odciąć dziesiętne w JavaScript

Grumpy Gaur

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