“vue na linku lub kotwicy” Kod odpowiedzi

vue na linku lub kotwicy

// uses example; scrollToElement(this.$route.hash)
// uses example; scrollToElement('#cafe-menu')

scrollToElement (id) {
  // takes input id with hash
  // eg. #cafe-menu
  const el = document.querySelector(id)
  el && el.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "nearest", inline: "nearest" })

Curious Chimpanzee

vue na linku lub kotwicy

//P.S. the code is written for Vue 2.
//You will have to adjust it to Vue 1.

//Your view:
// <a class="porto-button" @click="scrollMeTo('porto')">Porto, Portugal</a>
// ...
// <div ref="porto" class="fl-porto"> </div>

//Your code:
methods: {
  scrollMeTo(refName) {
    var element = this.$refs[refName];
    var top = element.offsetTop;

    window.scrollTo(0, top);
Curious Chimpanzee

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