“polecenie Laravel Run” Kod odpowiedzi

Uruchom polecenie rzemieślnicze od kontrolera

If you have simple job to do you can do it from route file. 
For example you want to clear cache. In terminal it would be php artisan 
cache:clear In route file that would be:


polecenie Larave Artisan uruchomione w Internecie

Route::get('your-link', function () {
    \Artisan::call('cache:clear'); // command
Dev Arman

Laravel Wykonaj polecenie z terminalu

php artisan command:name
Thoughtless Tortoise

rzemieślnicze polecenie

php artisan make:command CommandName

Uruchom polecenie powłoki w Laravel

use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException;

$process = new Process('sh /folder_name/file_name.sh');

// executes after the command finishes
if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
    throw new ProcessFailedException($process);

echo $process->getOutput();

polecenie Laravel Run

class MyCommand extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'my:command';

php artisan my:command


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