“Sprawdź, czy numer telefonu jest prawidłowy PHP” Kod odpowiedzi

PHP sprawdź numer telefonu

$phone = '000-0000-0000';

if(preg_match("/^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}$/", $phone)) {
  // $phone is valid

Sprawdź, czy numer telefonu jest prawidłowy PHP

   function isDigits(string $s, int $minDigits = 9, int $maxDigits = 14): bool {
        return preg_match('/^[0-9]{'.$minDigits.','.$maxDigits.'}\z/', $s);

    function isValidTelephoneNumber(string $telephone, int $minDigits = 9, int $maxDigits = 14): bool {
        if (preg_match('/^[+][0-9]/', $telephone)) { //is the first character + followed by a digit
            $count = 1;
            $telephone = str_replace(['+'], '', $telephone, $count); //remove +

        //remove white space, dots, hyphens and brackets
        $telephone = str_replace([' ', '.', '-', '(', ')'], '', $telephone);

        //are we left with digits only?
        return $this->isDigits($telephone, $minDigits, $maxDigits);

    function normalizeTelephoneNumber(string $telephone): string {
        //remove white space, dots, hyphens and brackets
        $telephone = str_replace([' ', '.', '-', '(', ')'], '', $telephone);
        return $telephone;

// how to use 
$tel = '+9112 345 6789';
if (isValidTelephoneNumber($tel)) {
    //normalize telephone number if needed
echo normalizeTelephoneNumber($tel); //+91123456789
Hichem from Tunisia

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