“węgiel dodaje dni od określonej daty” Kod odpowiedzi

Laravel Cobon Count Days między datami

$diff = Carbon::parse( $start_date )->diffInDays( $end_date );
Farhan Bajwa

węgiel dodaje dni od określonej daty

#1. let's define a date with format Y-m-d
$date = "2022-01-03";

#2. what we want is to add a number of days from initial date and get the new date.
# 2.1 convert initial date with carbon
$c_init_date = \Carbon\Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $e_join_date);

# 2.2 add number of days from $c_init_date. let's say 7 days
$new_date = $carbon_now->addDays(7)->format("Y-m-d");

#3. the result must be "2022-01-10"

Łączna liczba dni między dwiema datami węgla

$startdate->diffInDays($todate); //total days between two dates
$startdate->diffInMinutes($todate); //total number of minutes between two dates
$startdate->diffInMonths($todate); //total number of months difference
yours truly

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