“2d tablica w Pythonie” Kod odpowiedzi

2d tablica w Pythonie

# Creates a list containing 5 lists, each of 8 items, all set to 0
w, h = 8, 5
Matrix = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)] 

Better Bear

2d tablica w Pythonie

# Using above first method to create a
# 2D array
rows, cols = (5, 5)
arr = [[0]*cols]*rows
Amir Jb

2d tablica w Pythonie

# To create 2 or more dimensional Arrays in python
# A two-dimensional array(list) is like a table with rows and columns.

# Assume there are 1, 2, 3 to n rows and 1, 2, 3 to n colums of data
# Let data at row 1,column 1; row 2, column 2, correspond to d11, d22

#       col1 col2 ... coln
# row1  d11  d12  ... d1n
# row2  d21  d22  ... d2n
# .		 .    .   ...  .
# . 	 .    .   ...  .
# . 	 .    .   ...  .
# rown  dn1  dn2 ... dnn

# Syntax of 2d array in python:
# [[d11,d12,d13,..,d1n],[d21,d22,d23,.......,d2n]]

# Example: Following is the example for creating
# 2D array with 4 rows and 5 columns



# Accessing the values using index position

# Syntax:
# 1)	Get row value using [] operator
#		i.e array[row index]
# 2) 	Get column value using [][]
#	    i.e array[row index][column index]
# where,
#	row index is the row position starts from 0
#	column index is the column position starts from 0 in a row.

# For instance:
# get the first row

# get the third row

#get the element at the first row and the third column

# get the element (value) at the third row and forth column

# Output:
# [[23, 45, 43, 23, 45], [45, 67, 54, 32, 45], [89, 90, 87, 65, 44], [23, 45, 67, 32, 10]]
# [23, 45, 43, 23, 45]
# [89, 90, 87, 65, 44]
# 43
# 65

# Inserting values into two-dimensional array using the insert() function
# Syntax:
# array.insert(index,[values])

# where,
#	the index is the row position to insert a particular row
# 	[values] are the values to be inserted into the array.
#	It must a list of values. It could be same length (5) as columns above 

# Example:
# insert 5 new data at the third row
array.insert(2, [1,2,3,4,5])

#insert another column of data at the 6th row
array.insert(5, [8,9,10,11,12])

[[23, 45, 43, 23, 45], [45, 67, 54, 32, 45], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [89, 90, 87, 65, 44], [23, 45, 67, 32, 10], [8,9,10,11,12]]


Utwórz tablicę 2D w Pythonie

def build_matrix(rows, cols):
    matrix = []

    for r in range(0, rows):
        matrix.append([0 for c in range(0, cols)])

    return matrix

if __name__ == '__main__':
    build_matrix(6, 10)

2d tablica w Pythonie

from array import *

T = [[11, 12, 5, 2], [15, 6,10], [10, 8, 12, 5], [12,15,8,6]]
for r in T:
    for c in r:
        print(c,end = " ")
Defiant Duck

2d tablica w Pythonie

l = np.zeros(shape=(2,2))

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