“dla _ w Pythonie zasięgu” Kod odpowiedzi

Dla przykładu pętli Python 3

 for num in nums:
     for letter in 'abs':
         print(num, letter)
Silly Sheep

Zakres Python Zacznij od 1

>>> def range1(start, end):
...     return range(start, end+1)
>>> range1(1, 10)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Homely Hummingbird

bo w Python Range

for i in range(start, end):

Zakres (N, N) Python

# if numbers are same in the range function then,
# the range function outputs empty range
# this is because, there are no integers b/w n and n
for i in range(1,1):

# prints nothing

dla _ w Pythonie zasięgu

When you are not interested in some values returned by a function 
we use underscore in place of variable name . 
Basically we don't care about the iterator value, just that it 
should run some specific number of times.

dla _ w zasięgu

When you are not interested in some values returned by a function we use underscore in place of variable name . 
Basically it means you are not interested in how many times the loop is run till now just that it should run some specific number of times overall.


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