“Jak wyjść z programu w Python” Kod odpowiedzi

Program wyjściowy Python

#Exit everywhere with error message
import sys
sys.exit("Code not Pythonical")

#Exit with a specific status
import os

#Exit in interpreter

#Exit in Interpreter but more user friendly
Pythoning Pythoneeir

Jak przestać uruchamiać kod w Python

#to stop all execution of code
Frightened Flamingo

Wyjście w Pythonie

import sys
msg = "bye bye"
# you can use it with out a msg
Doubtful Dingo

Wyjście z Python do pętli

# python 3

for x in range(1, 10):
    if x == 4:
# prints 1 to 4
Exuberant Eland

Jak wyjść z programu w Python

import sys sys.exit()	//This will exit the python program
Repulsive Rabbit

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