Jak zrobić zdjęcia Whit Python
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
# create Image object
text1 = 'Create Feature Image'
text2 = 'With Python'
img_name = 'featured-image-creation-with-python.png'
color = 'dark_blue' #grey,light_blue,blue,orange,purple,yellow,green
font = 'Roboto-Bold.ttf'
background = Image.open('default.jpg')
foreground = Image.open('python-logo.png')
#create the coloured overlays
colors = {
'dark_blue':{'c':(27,53,81),'p_font':'rgb(255,255,255)','s_font':'rgb(255, 212, 55)'},
'blue':{'c':(23,114,237),'p_font':'rgb(255,255,255)','s_font':'rgb(255, 255, 255)'},
'purple':{'c':(114,88,136),'p_font':'rgb(255,255,255)','s_font':'rgb(255, 212, 55)'},
'green':{'c':(65, 162, 77),'p_font':'rgb(217, 210, 192)','s_font':'rgb(0, 0, 0)'}
def add_color(image,c,transparency):
color = Image.new('RGB',image.size,c)
mask = Image.new('RGBA',image.size,(0,0,0,transparency))
return Image.composite(image,color,mask).convert('RGB')
def center_text(img,font,text1,text2,fill1,fill2):
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
w,h = img.size
t1_width, t1_height = draw.textsize(text1, font)
t2_width, t2_height = draw.textsize(text2, font)
p1 = ((w-t1_width)/2,h // 3)
p2 = ((w-t2_width)/2,h // 3 + h // 5)
draw.text(p1, text1, fill=fill1, font=font)
draw.text(p2, text2, fill=fill2, font=font)
return img
def add_text(img,color,text1,text2,logo=False,font='Roboto-Bold.ttf',font_size=75):
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
p_font = color['p_font']
s_font = color['s_font']
# starting position of the message
img_w, img_h = img.size
height = img_h // 3
font = ImageFont.truetype(font,size=font_size)
if logo == False:
text1_offset = (img_w // 4, height)
text2_offset = (img_w // 4, height + img_h // 5)
draw.text(text1_offset, text1, fill=p_font, font=font)
draw.text(text2_offset, text2, fill=s_font, font=font)
return img
def add_logo(background,foreground):
bg_w, bg_h = background.size
img_w, img_h = foreground.size
img_offset = (20, (bg_h - img_h) // 2)
background.paste(foreground, img_offset, foreground)
return background
def write_image(background,color,text1,text2,foreground=''):
background = add_color(background,color['c'],25)
if not foreground:
return background
if __name__ == '__main__':
background = write_image(background,colors[color],text1,text2,foreground=foreground)
Super Shrew