“Min i Max w Pythonie” Kod odpowiedzi

Min Max Python

def min_max(*n):
  return {"min":min(n),"max":max(n)}
Silver Takana

Min i Max w Pythonie

#min and max in python
L1 = eval(input('enter list:'))#eval() helps  inputting by user desires of list.
minimum=min(L1)#min() function helps to note smallest of the element.
print('minimum numeric',minimum)
maximum=max(L1)#max() function helps to note biggest of the element.
print('maximum numeric',maximum)
enter list:[4,-8,65,24.0,24,7.25]
minimum numeric -8
maximum numeric 65

Min Max Code w Python

listA = [18, 19, 21, 22]
print('The smallest number from listA is:', min(listA))  	# 18
print('The largest number from listA is:', max(listA))		# 22

strA = 'AppDividend'
print('The smallest character from strA is:', min(strA))	# A
print('The largest character from strA is:', max(strA))		# v

strA = 'AppDividend'
strB = 'Facebook'
strC = 'Amazon'
print('The smallest string is:', min(strA, strB, strC))		# Amazon
print('The largest string is:', max(strA, strB, strC))		# Facebook

Min () i max () funkcja w Pythonie

>>> max(7,22,733,56)
>>> min(3,3663,8727,82)
>>> max('hello', 'how', 'are', 'you')
>>> min('hello', 'how', 'are', 'you', 'Sir')
Outrageous Ostrich

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