Pierścień konwertuje między liczbami i bajtami
see "Test Int2Bytes() and Bytes2Int() - Value : 77" + nl
r = Int2Bytes(77)
see "Int Size : " + len(r) + nl
see r + nl
see Bytes2Int(r) + nl
see "Test Float2Bytes() and Bytes2Float() - Value 77.12" + nl
r = Float2Bytes(77.12)
see "Float Size : " + len(r) + nl
see r + nl
see Bytes2Float(r) + nl
see "Test Double2Bytes() and Bytes2Double() - Value 9999977.12345" + nl
r = Double2Bytes(9999977.12345)
see "Double Size : " + len(r) + nl
see r + nl
see Bytes2Double(r) + nl