“Python API z cenami na żywo ercot w czasie rzeczywistym” Kod odpowiedzi

Python API z cenami na żywo ercot w czasie rzeczywistym

#Conver the dataframe to a numpy array
#Generate a training and test set for building the model: 95/5 split
training_set = master_array[:int(0.95*(len(master_array)))]
test_set = master_array[int(0.95*(len(master_array))):]
#Fit to a VAR model
model = VAR(endog=training_set)
model_fit = model.fit()
#Print a summary of the model results
Famous Fowl

Python API z cenami na żywo ercot w czasie rzeczywistym

#Transform the columns using natural log
#Difference the data by 1 month
master_df['Electricity_Price_Transformed_Differenced'] = master_df['Electricity_Price_Transformed'] - master_df['Electricity_Price_Transformed'].shift(n)
master_df['Nat_Gas_Price_MCF_Transformed_Differenced'] = master_df['Nat_Gas_Price_MCF_Transformed'] - master_df['Nat_Gas_Price_MCF_Transformed'].shift(n)
Famous Fowl

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