Python - jak sprawdzić, czy sznur jest palindromem
word = input() if str(word) == str(word)[::-1] : print("Palindrome") else: print("Not Palindrome")
word = input() if str(word) == str(word)[::-1] : print("Palindrome") else: print("Not Palindrome")
>>> def isPalindrome(s):
''' check if a number is a Palindrome '''
s = str(s)
return s == s[::-1]
>>> def generate_palindrome(minx,maxx):
''' return a list of Palindrome number in a given range '''
tmpList = []
for i in range(minx,maxx+1):
if isPalindrome(i):
return tmpList
>>> generate_palindrome(1,120)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111]
This implementation checks whether a given
string is a palindrome. A string is
considered to be a palindrome if it reads the
same forward and backward. For example, "kayak"
is a palindrome, while, "door" is not.
Let n be the length of the string
Time complexity: O(n),
Space complexity: O(1)
def isPalindrome(string):
# Maintain left and right pointers
leftIdx = 0
rightIdx = len(string)-1
while leftIdx < rightIdx:
# If chars on either end don't match
# string cannot be a palindrome
if string[leftIdx] != string[rightIdx]:
return False
# Otherwise, proceed to next chars
leftIdx += 1
rightIdx -= 1
return True
print(isPalindrome("kayak")) # True
print(isPalindrome("door")) # False
def palindrome(a):
return a == a[::-1]
palindrome('radar') # True
def isPalindrome(s):
return s == s[::-1]
# Driver code
s = "malayalam"
ans = isPalindrome(s)
if ans: