“Python Print” Kod odpowiedzi

Python Print

x = 10
y = 5
print(x)			# 10
print("x is ",x)	# x is 10
print(x,y)			# 10 5
print("sum of", x, "and", y, "is", x+y)   # sum of 10 and 5 is 15
mCar = "A"
print(mCar * y) 	# AAAAA

Python Print

print("tell me you only searching this question to test if Grepper works")
haowei lee

Python Print

print('Hello World of Python!!')

Python Print

# Rainy Day
wet = 'umbrella'
# Sunny Day
hot = 'sunglasses'
Harry the Programmer

Python Print

print("Hello World") # remember to always give parenthses ()
Dijendra Kalita

Python Print

print('What is your first name')
adam fisher

Python Print


Python Print

# Name
Harry = "Harry"
# Age
my_age = 8
# Math Problem
math = 4
problem = 9
print(Harry,my_age,math * problem)
Harry the Programmer

Python Print

print("Python is fun.")

a = 5
# Two objects are passed
print("a =", a)

b = a
# Three objects are passed
print('a =', a, '= b')
Contended Cobra

Python Print

print("me been printed")

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