Python tekstu ponownie
# Python program to replace text in a file
x = input("enter text to be replaced:")
y = input("enter text that will replace:")
# file.txt should be replaced with
# the actual text file name
f = open("file.txt", "r+")
# each sentence becomes an element in the list l
l = f.readlines()
# acts as a counter to know the
# index of the element to be replaced
c = 0
for i in l:
if x in i:
# Replacement carries the value
# of the text to be replaced
Replacement = i.replace(x, y)
# chsnges are made in the list
l = Replacement
c += 1
# The pre existing text in the file is erased
# the modified list is written into
# the file thereby replacing the old text
print("Text succesfully replaced")
Relieved Rhinoceros