“Recursive Python” Kod odpowiedzi

Jak działa rekurencja w Pythonie

def factorial(x):
    """This is a recursive function
    to find the factorial of an integer"""

    if x == 1:
        return 1
        return (x * factorial(x-1))

num = 1
print("The factorial of", num, "is", factorial(num))
Panicky Penguin

Rekurencja w Pythonie

def rec(num):
    if num <= 1:
        return 1
        return num + rec(num - 1)

Defeated Dunlin

Przykłady Pythona rekurencji

# Recursive function factorial_recursion()

def factorial_recursion(n):  
   if n == 1:  
       return n  
       return n*factorial_recursion(n-1)
Anxious Ape

Co to jest funkcja rekurencyjna Python w Pythonie

 pythonCopydef fact(n):
    """Recursive function to find factorial"""
    if n == 1:
        return 1
        return (n * fact(n - 1))
a = 6
print("Factorial of", a, "=", fact(a))
Shy Skunk

Recursive Python

import random

def guess(a,b):
    x = random.randint(a,b)
    return x

def check(x,y):
    if y ** 2 == x:
        return True
    return False

x = 100
left, right = 0, x
y = guess(left, right)
while not check(x,y):
    y = guess(left, right)
Concerned Caterpillar

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