“Usuń zawartość z formularza wejścia w Python Tkinter” Kod odpowiedzi

Jak usunąć wpis tkinter

import tkinter as tk

class App(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, height=42, width=42)
        self.entry = tk.Entry(self)
        self.clear_button = tk.Button(self, text="Clear text", command=self.clear_text)

    def clear_text(self):
        self.entry.delete(0, 'end')

def main():
    root = tk.Tk()
    App(root).pack(expand=True, fill='both')

if __name__ == "__main__":

Usuń zawartość z formularza wejścia w Python Tkinter

import tkinter as tk
#You can use the function as reset buttton 
def deleteEntry ():
  yourEntryName.delete(0,'end') #first=0 to last=end 
Black Bee

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