Wykrywanie siatkówki
#pip3 install opencv-python
import cv2
from retinaface import RetinaFace
# init with normal accuracy option
detector = RetinaFace(quality="normal")
# same with cv2.imread,cv2.cvtColor
rgb_image = detector.read("data/hian.jpg")
faces = detector.predict(rgb_image)
# faces is list of face dictionary
# each face dictionary contains x1 y1 x2 y2 left_eye right_eye nose left_lip right_lip
# faces=[{"x1":20,"y1":32, ... }, ...]
result_img = detector.draw(rgb_image,faces)
# save ([...,::-1] : rgb -> bgr )
# show using cv2
# cv2.imshow("result",result_img[...,::-1)
# cv2.waitKey()
Davi Gusmao