“Zamoruj kolumny w Pythonie” Kod odpowiedzi

Kolumny zamawiania pandy

# setting up a dummy dataframe
raw_data = {'name': ['Willard Morris', 'Al Jennings', 'Omar Mullins', 'Spencer McDaniel'],
        'age': [20, 19, 22, 21],
        'favorite_color': ['blue', 'red', 'yellow', "green"],
        'grade': [88, 92, 95, 70]}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, index = ['Willard Morris', 'Al Jennings', 'Omar Mullins', 'Spencer McDaniel'])

#now 'age' will appear at the end of our df
df = df[['favorite_color','grade','name','age']]
Exuberant Eland

Kolumny kolejowe pandy według nazwy

#old df columns
Index(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],dtype='***')
#new column format that we want to rearange
new_col = ['D','C','B','A'] #list of column name in order that we want

df = df[new_col]
Index(['D', 'C', 'B', 'A'],dtype='***')
#new column order

Zamoruj kolumny w Pythonie

df = df[["C", "A", "B"]]
Energetic Eagle

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