“Zmiana obecnego katalogu roboczego w Pythonie” Kod odpowiedzi

Zmień obecny katalog roboczy w Pythonie

import os
cdir = os.getcwd() # it will return current working directory
# Previous_dir C:\Users\..\Desktop\python
os.chdir('C:/Users/../Desktop/desire_folder') #chdir used for change direcotry
# Current_dir C:\Users\..\Desktop\python\teamspirit

Setwd Python

Lazy Lion

Zmiana obecnego katalogu roboczego w Pythonie

# Import the os module
import os

# Print the current working directory
print("Current working directory: {0}".format(os.getcwd()))

# Change the current working directory

# Print the current working directory
print("New Current working directory: {0}".format(os.getcwd()))
Gorgeous Gazelle

Jak używać ścieżki do zmiany katalogu roboczego w Python

pip install path
from path import Path

# set working directory
Wrong Wren

Zmień mój katalog roboczy Pythona

# Import the os module
import os

# Print the current working directory
print("Current working directory: {0}".format(os.getcwd()))

# Change the current working directory

# Print the current working directory
print("Current working directory: {0}".format(os.getcwd()))
Dark Dotterel

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