“metoda delete Ruby” Kod odpowiedzi

metoda delete Ruby

# How to delete instance methods

# define an empty class
class Foo; end

# show all instance methods of Foo defined directyl on it
p Foo.instance_methods(false) #=> []

# add the `bar` method
class Foo
  def bar
    puts "I'm Foo#bar!"

p Foo.instance_methods(false) #=> [:bar]
Foo.new.bar #=> I'm Foo#bar!

# delete the method
p Foo.instance_methods(false) #=> []
Foo.new.bar #=> undefined method `bar' for #<Foo:0x0000000106c9ef80> (NoMethodError)
Mateusz Drewniak

metoda delete Ruby

# How to delete class/singleton methods

# define an empty class
class Foo; end

# show all class/singleton methods of Foo
p Foo.singleton_methods #=> []

# add the `bar` method
class Foo
  def self.bar
    puts "I'm Foo::bar!"

p Foo.singleton_methods #=> [:bar]
Foo.bar #=> I'm Foo::bar!

# delete the method
p Foo.singleton_methods #=> []
Foo.bar #=> undefined method `bar' for Foo:Class (NoMethodError)
Mateusz Drewniak

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