Flirt FSL
# Some viewers (like MRIcron) do not handle anisotropic voxels well.
# FSL can easily convert an image with anisotropic voxels into one
# with isotropic voxels in the same space using -applyisoxfm
# reslice current image into 1mm isotropic
flirt -in anat_CT_axial -ref anat_CT_axial -applyisoxfm 1 -out anat_CT_axial_1mm
# reslice current image into 0.5 mm isotropic voxels.
flirt -in anat_CT_axial -ref anat_CT_axial -applyisoxfm 0.5 -out anat_CT_axial_0.5mm
Troubled Tapir