“Globalna lokalizacja konfiguracji GIT” Kod odpowiedzi

Git Config Global

$ git config --global user.name "John Doe"
$ git config --global user.email [email protected]
Tame Toad

gdzie jest globalny plik konfiguracyjny dla git

git config --global --edit 
# It will open git config file and you can make necessary changes
Hami yestia ta honi bro

Globalna lokalizacja konfiguracji GIT

To track down the file holding each config option set on your own system:
  git config --list --show-origin

Generally, there are three configs:
  * git config puts stuff in <repo root>/.git/config by default
  * git config --global puts stuff in <user home>/.gitconfig
    * On Linux/macOS, this means ~/.gitconfig
    * On Windows, this means %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.gitconfig
      (not %USERPROFILE%\.gitconfig; these are not always the same)
  * git config --system puts stuff in a global config file shared by all users
    * On Linux, it's /etc/gitconfig
    * On macOS, it's /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/etc/gitconfig
    * On Windows, it's <wherever you installed Git>/etc/gitconfig
Famous Flatworm

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