“Jak skonfigurować Bluetooth w wierszu poleceń Ubuntu” Kod odpowiedzi

Jak skonfigurować Bluetooth w wierszu poleceń Ubuntu

'If you are on Ubuntu or an Ubuntu-based distro, run the following: command:
    sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez bluez-tools rfkill.
    sudo rfkill list.
    sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth.
    sudo service bluetooth start.
    sudo apt-get install blueman.
Horrible Hoopoe

Jak skonfigurować Bluetooth w wierszu poleceń Ubuntu

#If you are on Ubuntu or an Ubuntu-based distro, run the following: command:

    sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez bluez-tools rfkill.
    sudo rfkill list.
    sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth.
    sudo service bluetooth start.
    sudo apt-get install blueman.
Horrible Hoopoe

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