“Otwórz vscode z terminalu” Kod odpowiedzi

Otwórz vscode w terminalu sudo

sudo code --user-data-dir="~/.vscode-root"
Wandering Whale

Otwórz kod Visual Studio z terminal Mac

#Add Bash alias in .bash_profile ?
$ alias code="open -a /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app"

#Open Visual Studio Code by command
$ code .

Zainstaluj kod. Ścieżka w Mac

cat << EOF >> ~/.zshrc
# Add Visual Studio Code (code)
export PATH="/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin:$PATH"
Anxious Anteater

Zainstaluj polecenie kodu na komputerze Mac

Open VCode
press CMD + SHIFT + P
type 'shell command' 
select 'Install code command in path'
navigate to any project from the terminal and type 'code .'

Uruchom skrypt bash z aplikacji Mac bez terminalu otwierającego

Selfish Stork

Otwórz vscode z terminalu

# TLDR; copy the following text into your .bashrc then open vscode in any dir
# GIVEN you are using bash in Windows 10
# AND vscode is installed in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\
# AND there is a subfolder named "bin" that includes a file called code.cmd
# AND you know where to locate and edit your .bashrc
# THEN add the following command to your .bashrc

export PATH=$PATH:%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin\

# THEN save and close your .bashrc and exit that terminal session
# THEN open a new session from any windows folder with files you want to edit
# with vscode or navigate to that folder with bash
# THEN run "code ." and it will open the folder in the navigation pane in vscode

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