“Pokaż zmiany w momencie gita ciągnięcia” Kod odpowiedzi

Sprawdź zmiany po ściągnięciu git

The very first line in the output of a pull looks like this:

$ git pull
Updating 37b431a..b2615b4

So to get the diff between before and after pull request, use --> 
$ git diff 37b431a..b2615b4
Devops Captain

Pokaż zmiany w momencie gita ciągnięcia

git log --name-status -2

# Will show you the names of the files that changed for the last two commits.

git log -p -2
# Will show you the changes themselves.

## =================================
## Before you pull,

git fetch
git log --name-status origin/master..
# Will show you what commits you are about to retrieve, along with the names of the files.

Mr. Samy

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