“PowerShell, jeśli ciąg zawiera” Kod odpowiedzi

PowerShell, jeśli ciąg zawiera

$strVal ='Hello world'
if($strVal -like '*World*') {
      Write-Host 'Your string contains the word world'
} else {
      Write-Host 'Your string does not contains the word world'

Ciąg PowerShell zawiera

PS C:\> "abc", "def" -Contains "def"

PS C:\> "Windows", "PowerShell" -Contains "Shell"
False  #Not an exact match
Crazy Cod

PowerShell, jeśli ciąg zawiera

$strVal ='Hello world'
if($strVal -like '*World*') {
      Write-Host 'Your string contains the word world'
} else {
      Write-Host 'Your string does not contains the word world'

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