“Push Project to New Branch Git” Kod odpowiedzi

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git push -u origin <branch-name>
Mushy Monkey

Push Project to New Branch Git

git push -u origin branchName

pchnij nowy gałąź git

github@branch/c/remote/push  (new-branch)
git clone https://github.com/learn-git-fast/git-branch-examples.git
cd git*
git checkout -b new-branch

github@branch/c/remote/push (new-branch)
git branch -a
touch devolution.jpg
git add .
git commit -m "Are we not gender neutral people? We are Devo?"
git push --set-upstream origin new-branch

github@branch/c/remote/push (new-branch)
touch eden.html
git add .
git commit -m "Eden added"
git push origin
Zealous Zebra

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