“Push to Docker Hub” Kod odpowiedzi

Push Docker Image to Docker Hub

## After build your image
## Get your build ID
docker images tiagofranca/php-81-fpm-dev

## You will get some like this:
REPOSITORY                   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
tiagofranca/php-81-fpm-dev   latest    9153e9fb37e3   4 minutes ago   571MB

## Now you can create a image TAG based on your image
docker tag 9153e9fb37e3 tiagofranca/php-81-fpm-dev:22-06-01

## DONE!
## Now you have 2 images
docker images tiagofranca/php-81-fpm-dev
REPOSITORY                   TAG        IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
tiagofranca/php-81-fpm-dev   22-06-01   9153e9fb37e3   4 minutes ago   571MB
tiagofranca/php-81-fpm-dev   latest     9153e9fb37e3   4 minutes ago   571MB

## To push:
docker push tiagofranca/php-81-fpm-dev

# or
docker push tiagofranca/php-81-fpm-dev:22-06-01
Tiago F2

Push to Docker Hub

sudo docker push $DOCKER_ACC/$DOCKER_REPO:$IMG_TAG
Concerned Caribou

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