“React Native Paper” Kod odpowiedzi

React Native Paper

// noice library to use with react native paper

import { PaperSelect } from 'react-native-paper-select';

// ...

const [colors, setColors] = useState({
  value: '',
  list: [
    { _id: '1', value: 'BLUE' },
    { _id: '2', value: 'RED' },
    { _id: '3', value: 'GREEN' },
    { _id: '4', value: 'YELLOW' },
    { _id: '5', value: 'BROWN' },
    { _id: '6', value: 'BLACK' },
    { _id: '7', value: 'WHITE' },
    { _id: '8', value: 'CYAN' },
  selectedList: [],
  error: '',

  label="Select Colors"
  onSelection={(value: any) => {
      value: value.text,
      selectedList: value.selectedList,
      error: '',
  searchStyle={{ iconColor: 'red' }}
Vivacious Vendace

React Native Paper

I've discovered ReactNative provides a way to inspect
DOM of application (with android, shake device, toggle inspect).
It turns out my menu item was shadowed by Context.Consumer.
When I removed <Provider> tags from my render () section,
it finally worked (was able to handle clicks).

Probably worth mentioning: from the very beginning my
AppContainer at the top most level was wrapped like this:

        <AppContainer />
Vivacious Vendace

React Native Paper

import * as React from 'react';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import { Provider as PaperProvider } from 'react-native-paper';
import { name as appName } from './app.json';
import App from './src/App';

export default function Main() {
  return (
      <App />

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => Main);
Cute Caribou

React Native Paper Instal

yarn add react-native-vector-icons
react-native link react-native-vector-icons
Cute Caribou

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