“Ten błąd może wskazywać, że demon Docker nie działa” Kod odpowiedzi

Doker Demon nie działa

Net stop com.docker.service
Net start com.docker.service
Motionless Mamba

Ten błąd może wskazywać, że demon Docker nie działa

Open powershell as admin and use : & 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe' -SwitchDaemon
Spotless Sardine

htcondor Demons nie działa

If HTCondor daemons are currently running, but need to be killed and 
newly invoked, the condor_restart tool does this. This would be the 
case for a new value of a configuration variable for which using 
condor_reconfig is inadequate.

To restart all daemons on all machines in the pool,

  condor_restart -all
To restart all daemons on a single machine in the pool,

  condor_restart <hostname>
where <hostname> is replaced by the host name of the machine to be restarted.
Tanishq Vyas

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