“Zainstaluj tar.xz na Ubuntu” Kod odpowiedzi

Wyodrębnij tar.xz Ubuntu

tar -xf file.tar.xz
Colorful Cardinal

Zainstaluj tar.xz na Ubuntu

$ tar xvfJ fich.tar.xz

Jak zainstalować node.tar.xz w Ubuntu

//cd to downloaded directory
$ tar xvfJ node.tar.xz
sudo cp -r node-v14.15.5-linux-x64/{bin,include,lib,share} /usr/

Zainstaluj tar.xz w Ubuntu

tar xf [filename]

This will expand the contents of the file to a folder. Then the commands are, from the folder:



sudo make install
Old-fashioned Oyster

Zainstaluj tar.xz w Ubuntu 20.4

tar xf [filename]
Cheerful Crab

Run Tar.xz Ubuntu

tar xf [filename]
Muddy Magpie

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