“Zmień uprawnienie pliku Linux” Kod odpowiedzi

Linux daje folderowi zgodę

sudo chmod -R a+rwx /path/to/folder
Ugly Unicorn

Debian daje zgodę na pisanie

sudo chmod -R 757 /var/www

Jak zmienić uprawnienia w pliku w Linux

sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx /file/path
Gentle Gnu

Jak ustawić uprawnienia Wykonaj w Linux

chmod +x script-name-here.sh #Change the "script-name-here" to the name of your .sh file.
Grepper Creeper

Zmień uprawnienie pliku Linux

chmod +x <fileName> # add execute permission to that file (.x.x.x) 
chmod +r <fileName> # add read permission to a file
chmod +w <fileName> # add write permission to the file

chmod u+x <fileName> #add execute permission to owner of the file

chmod 400 <fileName> # set file only read permission to owner 

Uprawnienia Linux Chmod

The three rightmost digits define permissions for the:
file user, the group, and others. 

#	Permission				rwx	Binary
7	read, write and execute	rwx	111
6	read and write			rw-	110
5	read and execute		r-x	101
4	read only				r--	100
3	write and execute		-wx	011
2	write only				-w-	010
1	execute only			--x	001
0	none					---	000

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