Korzystam z wyszukiwania wrażliwego na wielkość liter, włączając wyszukiwanie z uwzględnieniem wielkości liter:
w np. Zaćmienie.
Kiedy szukam pewnych słów kluczowych SQL, takich jak SELECT
, IN
i inni. Jestem Googlingiem SQL FUNCTION IN
a następnie wyświetlanych jest wiele nieistotnych wyników wyszukiwania, ponieważ wyszukiwania Google wydają się nie uwzględniać wielkości liter.
W Internecie znalazłem kilka rozwiązań tego problemu, używając a Google Script np .:
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 import logging import cgi import os import urllib import simplejson import sets import re from time import sleep import datetime from google.appengine.api import urlfetch from google.appengine.api import users from google.appengine.ext import webapp from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app from google.appengine.ext import db from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template import datastore_cache datastore_cache.DatastoreCachingShim.Install() # Set the debug level _DEBUG = False _SEARCHPAGESIZE = 8 _GOOGLELIMIT = 512 _PAGELIMIT = 10 _KEEPSEARCHESFORDAYS = 3 _AJAXAPIBASEURL = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&%s&rsz=large&start=' _ENCODING = 'utf-8' class Search(db.Model): """Search entity """ #author = db.UserProperty() content = db.StringProperty() #search google with this term filter = db.StringProperty() #filter results case sensitively with these words limit = db.IntegerProperty() #stop search after found <limit> number of results; this is 10 googlelimit = db.IntegerProperty() #scan through maximum <googlelimit> number of google results; probably will stop earlier
kiedy znaleziono liczbę wyników date = db.DateTimeProperty (auto_now_add = True) start = db.IntegerProperty () #start z tego wyniku podczas skanowania wyników google lastresultOrd = db.IntegerProperty () # to była kolejność ostatniego wyniku
#http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxsearch/documentation/reference.html#_intro_fonje class SearchResult(db.Model): """Search result entity """ searchref = db.ReferenceProperty(Search) searchresult_ord = db.IntegerProperty() unescapedUrl = db.LinkProperty() url = db.LinkProperty() visibleUrl = db.StringProperty() cacheUrl = db.LinkProperty() title = db.StringProperty() titleNoFormatting = db.StringProperty() content = db.StringProperty() date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) absoluteOrd = db.IntegerProperty() class BaseRequestHandler(webapp.RequestHandler): """Base request handler extends webapp.Request handler It defines the generate method, which renders a Django template in response to a web request """ def generate(self, template_name, template_values={}): """Generate renders and HTML template along with values passed to that template Args: template_name: A string that represents the name of the HTML template template_values: A dictionary that associates objects with a string assigned to that object to call in the HTML template. The defualt is an empty dictionary. """ values = {} values.update(template_values) # Construct the path to the template directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = os.path.join(directory, 'templates', template_name) # Respond to the request by rendering the template self.response.out.write(template.render(path, values, debug=_DEBUG)) class MainRequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler): """Main request handler extends BaseRequestHandler Handles main page request that is index.html """ def get(self): """At this moment this returns static index.html """ template_values = {} self.generate('index.html', template_values); class SearchRequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler): """Main request handler extends BaseRequestHandler Handles search page request that is also based on index.html template. Two things are filled in the template: 1) the search params are put back to the form inputs 2) the search results added too """ def renderSearchResults(self, search, searchresults): """Two groups of things are filled in the template: 1) the search arguments are put back to the form inputs 2) the search results added too """ #logging.info("render, search.lastresultOrd:"+str(search.lastresultOrd)) template_values = { 'startfrom': search.start, #/ _SEARCHPAGESIZE, 'query': search.content.replace('"', '"'), 'filter': search.filter.replace('"', '"'), } if searchresults: template_values.update({ 'searchresults': searchresults, 'next': searchresults[len(searchresults)-1].absoluteOrd
}) else: template_values.update({ 'searchresults': "no results" }) return self.generate('index.html', template_values) def saveSearch(self): """Save a Search entity into the datastore """ search = Search() startfrom = self.request.get('s') if startfrom: search.start = int(startfrom) #/ _SEARCHPAGESIZE else: search.start = 0 #logging.info('save search.start:'+str(search.start)) search.lastresultOrd = 0 #search.author = users.get_current_user() search.content = self.request.get('q') #logging.info('save search.content:'+search.content) search.filter = self.request.get('f') if not len(search.filter) or search.filter is None or search.filter == '': #logging.info('put search.content into search.filter!') search.filter = search.content #logging.info('save search.filter:'+search.filter) googleresultslimit = self.request.get('l') #logging.info("save search googleresultslimit:"+googleresultslimit) if googleresultslimit is None or googleresultslimit == '': search.googlelimit = _GOOGLELIMIT else: search.googlelimit = int(googleresultslimit) #logging.info('save search.googlelimit:'+str(search.googlelimit)) search.limit = _PAGELIMIT search.put() return search def saveSearchResult(self, search, ord, absoluteOrd, r): """Save a Search result entity into the datastore """ searchResult = SearchResult() searchResult.searchref = search.key(); searchResult.searchresult_ord = ord searchResult.absoluteOrd = absoluteOrd searchResult.unescapedUrl = r['unescapedUrl'] searchResult.url = r['url'] searchResult.visibleUrl = r['visibleUrl'] if r['cacheUrl']: searchResult.cacheUrl = r['cacheUrl'] searchResult.title = r['title'] searchResult.titleNoFormatting = r['titleNoFormatting'] searchResult.content = r['content'] searchResult.put() return searchResult def doSearch(self, search): """Do an actual search that is fetch google search result pages using Google Ajax search API and filter Google's results case sensitively Filtered results will be saved and returned in a list """ searchResults = [] search_terms = search.filter.replace('"', "").split() #logging.info('search_terms:'+str(search_terms)) if not len(search_terms): #logging.info('no search_terms, return empty list') return searchResults start = search.start / _SEARCHPAGESIZE ord = 0 FUCK = 0 absolute_ord = search.start q_search_term = urllib.urlencode({'q' : search.content.encode(_ENCODING)}) url = _AJAXAPIBASEURL % (q_search_term) urlset = set() #logging.info("search range start, search.googlelimit::"+str(start)+"-"+str(search.googlelimit)) for n in range(start, search.googlelimit): FUCK = FUCK + 1 fetchurl = ''.join([url, str(n)]) #logging.info('FUCK > FETCHURL:'+str(FUCK)+" > "+fetchurl) result = urlfetch.fetch(fetchurl) #logging.info('FETCHURL: fetched') results = None if result.status_code == 200: json = simplejson.loads(result.content) try: #logging.info('jsonresult:'+str(json)) if json['responseDetails'] == 'out of range start': logging.warning('json error out of range start, url:'+fetchurl+'; res:'+str(json)) break if json['responseStatus'] == 200: results = json['responseData']['results'] except: logging.warning('json error, url:'+fetchurl+'; res:'+str(json)) if results: for r in results: absolute_ord = absolute_ord + 1 ok = 0 for term in search_terms: if (re.search(r'(>|\b)'+term+r'(\b|<)', r['content']) is not None) \ or (re.search(r'(>|\b)'+term+r'(\b|<)', r['titleNoFormatting']) is not None) \ or (re.search(r'(>|\b)'+term+r'(\b|<)', r['visibleUrl']) is not None): ok = ok + 1 if r['url'] not in urlset: urlset.add(r['url']) else: ok = 0 #logging.info('ok:'+str(ok)+' <len(search_terms):'+str(len(search_terms))) if ok == len(search_terms): ord = ord + 1 #logging.info('save:'+str(r)) searchResults.append(self.saveSearchResult(search, ord, absolute_ord, r)) else: logging.warning('no response, url:'+fetchurl+'; res status code:'+str(result.status_code) + "; res.content:"+result.content) if ord >= search.limit: break #logging.info("re save search.lastresultOrd :"+str(absolute_ord)) search.lastresultOrd = absolute_ord search.save() return searchResults def getSearchResultsFromMemoryOrDataStore(self, searchRequest): """Try find a similar search to the actual request which is not too old. If found, then return the results from the datastore """ searchresults = [] now = datetime.datetime.now() past = now - datetime.timedelta(days=15) searches = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * from Search WHERE content = :1 AND filter = :2 AND start = :3 AND date <= DATETIME(" \ +str(now.year)+", "+str(now.month)+", "+str(now.day)+", "+str(now.hour)+", "+str(now.minute)+",
„+ str (teraz.sekunda) +”) ORAZ data & gt; DATETIME („ + str (past.year) + "," + str (past.month) + "," + str (past.day) + "," + str (past.hour) + "," + str (past.minute ) + ”, „+ str (past.second) + ") ORDER BY date DESC", searchRequest.content, searchRequest.filter, searchRequest.start) tres = 0 search = Brak searchresultsdb = Brak dla s w wyszukiwaniach: jeśli s.lastresultOrd & gt; tres: tres = s.lastresultOrd szukaj = s
if search: #logging.info('WOW searchresults found in datastore') searchresultsdb = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM SearchResult WHERE searchref = :1 ORDER BY searchresult_ord ASC ", search.key()) if searchresultsdb: for searchresult in searchresultsdb: searchresults.append(searchresult) return searchresults def get(self): """Here is the main idea: Lets try not to do an actual search. Instead, try to find `good´ results either in memory (memcache) or in datastore. If not found, then do an actual search. Finally render the results """ searchrequest = self.saveSearch() searchresults = [] try: searchresults = self.getSearchResultsFromMemoryOrDataStore(searchrequest) #logging.info("str(len(searchresults from db)):"+str(len(searchresults))) if len(searchresults) < 1: #logging.info("call do search") searchresults = self.doSearch(searchrequest) finally: self.renderSearchResults(searchrequest, searchresults) application = webapp.WSGIApplication( [('/', MainRequestHandler), ('/search', SearchRequestHandler)], debug=False) def main(): run_wsgi_app(application) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
lub używając innej wyszukiwarki.
Pożądana odpowiedź
Nie rozumiem, dlaczego nie ma na to prostego rozwiązania. Chcę tylko włączyć wyszukiwanie z uwzględnieniem wielkości liter w Google. Jak można to zrobić?
czy próbowałeś użyć znaków „” wokół wyszukiwanych haseł, a następnie kliknąłeś narzędzia wyszukiwania - wszystkie wyniki - dosłownie? Nadal jest to jednak zdefiniowane przez to, czym jesteś jako wyszukiwane hasło. Na przykład „IN” jest czasami określane jako warunek, a czasami jako operator, a czasami jako funkcja.