Zainstalowałem bazę danych postgresql na Fedorze 17.
Kiedy tworzę nowe połączenie z serwerem za pośrednictwem pgadmin3, pojawia się ten błąd w wyskakującym oknie:
postgresql The server doesn't accept the current user: The server report
Ident authentication failed
The server doesn't accept the current user: The server reports
FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "pgadmin"
If this message appears, the pg_hba.conf entry found for your
client / user / database combination is set to "ident" authentication.
Some distributions, e.g. Debian, have this by default. To perform ident
based authentication successfully, you need additional setup; see the
PostgreSQL help for this. For a beginner, it might be more appropriate
to use a different authentication method; MD5 encrypted passwords are
a good choice, which can be configured by an entry in pg_hba.conf like
host all all md5
This example grants MD5 encrypted password access to all databases to
all users on the private network
You can use the pg_hba.conf editor that is built into pgAdmin III to
edit the pg_hba.conf configuration file. After changing pg_hba.conf,
you need to trigger a server configuration reload using pg_ctl or by
stopping and restarting the server process.
host all all md5
Dokonałem zmiany wymienionej w komunikacie o błędzie, dodałem do pg_hba.conf. Ale nadal pojawia się ten sam błąd. Co ja robię źle?