Możesz wyświetlić wszystkie karty wideo za pomocą lspci
lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display'
| | | | | \- Only VGA is not good enough,
| | | | | because Nvidia mobile adapters
| | | | | are shown as 3D and some AMD
| | | | | adapters are shown as Display.
| | | | \--------- Print 3 lines after the regexp match.
| | | \-------------- program for searching patterns in files
| | | (regular expressions)
| | \------------------ pipe used for passing the results of the
| | first command (lspci -k) to the next (grep)
| \-------------------- Show kernel drivers handling each device.
\------------------------- utility for displaying information
about PCI buses in the system and
devices connected to them
Wynik będzie mniej więcej taki:
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 620 (rev 02)
DeviceName: Onboard IGD
Subsystem: Dell HD Graphics 620
Kernel driver in use: i915
01:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM108M [GeForce 940MX] (rev a2)
Subsystem: Dell GM108M [GeForce 940MX]
Kernel driver in use: nouveau
Kernel modules: nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia
Jak widać, mam procesor graficzny Intel i procesor graficzny Nvidia. Procesor graficzny Intel korzysta ze sterownika i915, a Nvidia używa nowego. Możesz to sprawdzić w Kernel driver in use:
sekcji danych wyjściowych.