chcon: nie można zastosować częściowego kontekstu do pliku bez etykiety podczas instalowania nagios z SELinux


Konfiguruję rdzeń Nagios na CentOS z SELINUX = enforcing.

Próbuję biec

chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /usr/local/nagios/sbin/

zgodnie z sugestią w instrukcji , ale otrzymuję te komunikaty o błędach:

chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `cmd.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `trends.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `histogram.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `avail.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `history.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `status.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `tac.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `showlog.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `notifications.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `extinfo.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `statuswml.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `outages.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `statuswrl.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `statusmap.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `config.cgi'
chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `summary.cgi'

Wszelkie pomysły, jak uniknąć tych błędów?

Mohammed Shannaq
Oznacz pliki? tzn. dodaj etykietę użytkownika i roli oprócz etykiety typu.



Musisz ponownie oznakować pliki odpowiednim typem selinux:

semanage fcontext -a -s system_u -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t /usr/local/nagios/sbin/*
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