nie można zainstalować niczego przy użyciu apt-get z powodu insserv


Za każdym razem, gdy próbuję zainstalować coś przy użyciu apt-get, pojawiają się komunikaty o błędach insserv. Próbowałem zainstalować wiele różnych pakietów, ale wszystko daje ten sam błąd. I najwyraźniej pakiet CUPS coś robi / zrobił coś, ponieważ dotyczy każdego komunikatu o błędzie. Poniżej przedstawiono błędy wyświetlane podczas uruchamiania sudo apt-get install wine1.8 winetricks:

After this operation, 716 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
Preconfiguring packages ...
Setting up util-linux (2.27.1-6ubuntu3.1) ...
insserv: warning: script 'K01cups-browsed' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script 'cups-browsed' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: There is a loop at service plymouth if started
insserv: There is a loop between service plymouth and procps if started
insserv:  loop involving service procps at depth 2
insserv:  loop involving service udev at depth 1
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Max recursions depth 99 reached
insserv:  loop involving service speech-dispatcher at depth 1
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: There is a loop between service cups-browsed and hwclock if started
insserv:  loop involving service hwclock at depth 1
insserv: There is a loop at service cups-browsed if started
insserv:  loop involving service networking at depth 4
insserv: There is a loop between service plymouth and urandom if started
insserv:  loop involving service urandom at depth 4
insserv:  loop involving service mountdevsubfs at depth 2
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: There is a loop between service cups-browsed and dns-clean if started
insserv:  loop involving service dns-clean at depth 1
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: Starting cups-browsed depends on plymouth and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: exiting now without changing boot order!
update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
dpkg: error processing package util-linux (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Zawartość pliku /etc/insserv.conf jest następująca:

# All local filesystems are mounted (done during boot phase)
$local_fs   +umountfs

# Low level networking (ethernet card)
$network    +networking

# Named is operational
$named      +named +dnsmasq +lwresd +bind9 +unbound $network

# All remote filesystems are mounted (note in some cases /usr may
# be remote. Most applications that care will probably require
# both $local_fs and $remote_fs)
$remote_fs  $local_fs +umountnfs +sendsigs

# System logger is operational
$syslog     +rsyslog +sysklogd +syslog-ng +dsyslog +inetutils-syslogd

# The system time has been set correctly
$time       +hwclock

# Services which need to be interactive
<interactive>   glibc udev console-screen keymap keyboard-setup console-setup cryptdisks cryptdisks-early checkfs-loop

wyjście dla $ apt-cache policy cups-browsed plymouth dns-clean

  Installed: 1.8.3-2ubuntu3
  Candidate: 1.8.3-2ubuntu3
  Version table:
 *** 1.8.3-2ubuntu3 500
        500 xenial/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  Installed: 0.9.2-3ubuntu13
  Candidate: 0.9.2-3ubuntu13.1
  Version table:
     0.9.2-3ubuntu13.1 500
        500 xenial-updates/main amd64 Packages
 *** 0.9.2-3ubuntu13 500
        500 xenial/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
N: Unable to locate package dns-clean

Nie znam żadnych innych istotnych informacji, które mogłyby być ważne dla rozwiązania tego, dlatego nie opublikowałem tego. Jeśli chcesz uzyskać więcej informacji, możesz zapytać.

Sprawdź, czy nie masz nic głupiego w konfiguracji insserva, szczególnie /etc/insserv.conf i /etc/insserv.conf.d/*. Jeśli nie masz pewności, dodaj zawartość tych plików do pytania.
@ MichaelKjörling Dodałem zawartość/etc/insserv.conf
Jaka wersja Ubuntu? Czy dodałeś oprogramowanie, które nie jest pakietem ze „standardowych” repozytoriów? Co z ostatnią edycją plików systemowych?
Musisz spojrzeć na pliki w /etc/insserv.conf.d. Opublikuj zawartość dowolnego pliku, którego nazwa zawiera dns, plymouthlub cups. A może z innymi plikami, problem nie dotyczy jednego pliku, ale z nimi w połączeniu, tworzą one pętlę, w której A musi zostać uruchomiony przed B musi być uruchomiony przed C musi być… musi zostać uruchomiony przed A.
SO- Gillesa przestańcie być źli
@Gilles Brak plików w/etc/insserv.conf.d



Przede wszystkim problem polega na tym, że utknąłeś w sekwencji uruchamiania.

O sposobie sekwencjonowania rozruchu decyduje się podczas instalacji lub aktualizacji. Jeśli w zależnościach zadeklarowanych przez nagłówki LSB wszystkich zainstalowanych init.dskryptów nie ma pętli i nie ma przestarzałych skryptów , system jest konwertowany na sekwencję rozruchową opartą na zależnościach.

Musimy sprawdzić

  1. Pętla w zależnościach : występuje, gdy>

    • W niektórych skryptach brakuje tagów LSB lub błąd w tagach LSB, takich jak brakujące Required-Start:lub Required-Stop:tagi
    • Niektóre skrypty zależą od innych skryptów, które zależą od funkcji systemu, $allco nie może być prawdziwe. Ponieważ skrypty zależne od $allsą ładowane na końcu podczas uruchamiania. Ponieważ ładuje się jako ostatni, nic nie może na nim zależeć. W związku z tym zaburza sekwencję rozruchu opartą na zależnościach.
  2. Przestarzałe skrypty : występują, gdy

    • Niektóre pakiety są uaktualniane do nowszych wersji, w których nie można używać skryptu, /etc/init.d/a opiekun mógł pominąć kod w celu usunięcia starego skryptu. Nie nasz błąd.

Przyczyna jest z pewnością obca. Przejdź /etc/init.ddo pliku odpowiadającego cups-browsedi potwierdź, że ma on komentarz LSB z Provides, Required-Start/ Required-Stop(przynajmniej pusty), Default-Start/ Default-Stopjak poniżej.

# Provides :          cups-browsed
# Required-Start :
# Required-Stop :
# Default-Start :     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop  :     0 1 6
# Short-Description : Some info
# Description :       Some more info

Jeśli go nie ma, masz wybór, aby dodać komentarz LSB lub całkowicie wyczyścić program, skrypty /etc/init.d/i /etc/rc?pliki. Mam nadzieję, że to zadziała.

Zapytaj, czy masz jakiekolwiek wątpliwości.

Mc Squared
Minął ponad miesiąc od opublikowania pytania. Ponieważ w tym czasie nie otrzymałem żadnej odpowiedzi, wyczyściłem program i wszystko działało. Teraz ponownie zainstalowałem cupsi tajemniczo wszystko działa dobrze. Nadal akceptuję twoją prawidłową odpowiedź, ponieważ wspomniałeś w niej sugestię programu oczyszczania.
Mam ten sam problem. Sprawdziłem /etc/init.d/cups-browsedplik i ma już komentarze, jak wspomniałeś. Jak wyczyścić program i skrypty?
Ok, rozumiem, ale nie rozumiem dlaczego? Te nagłówki INIT INFO istniały od ponad dekady, ale nikt się nimi nie przejmował. Z ludzkiego punktu widzenia dwie cyfry od 0 do 99 to bardzo jasny sposób na ustalenie kolejności uruchamiania, ale teraz muszę śledzić nagłówki Required-Start? Dlaczego? Czasami mniej znaczy więcej.
Ubuntu nie lubi pustych miejsc przed dwukropkami.